Opening Keyword Search allows you to input any terms related to traits of interest. The terms can be high level descriptions of a phenotypic trait (e.g. heat tolerance) or more specific terms such as biological processes and protein families (e.g. defence response to fungi or LRR). Search terms can be combined with; “OR”, “AND” & “NOT” statements, or put into double quotations for exact searches, i.e. “pathogen” AND “disease”.
As you type a query, the number of resulting documents and genes related to the query are shown and constantly updated in real time underneath the SEARCH button. This should help you to detect spelling mistakes, give a hint if the query term is too general, or too specific prior to the user executing the search, and motivate you to examine your query and explore different spelling, language, or more complex query statements (“OR”, “AND” & “NOT”).
Concept selector
An icon for the Concept Search remains to the right of the Keyword Search box. Clicking it opens it beside the Keyword Search. The Concept selector helps refine keywords by suggesting more specific or synonymous terms. For example, using the Concept Selector on the term “drought” suggests other terms such as “drought sensitivity” or “drought recovery”. The wizard allows adding (which replaces existing matching Keywords), or excluding of terms. This clamps the search down to a particular Concept node in the graph, and gives fine control over your search query.
Searching with keyword, gene list and/or genome regions
Use the sidebar to navigate and read more about Gene List Search and Genome Region Search.