This is exercise 4 of 4.
Ensure that you are in Cereals Free – Triticum Aestivum by checking the Multispecies selector at the top left of the website header.
Exercise 4 query:
Keyword Search:
“grain fill duration” OR “seed growth”
Genome Region Search:
Chromosome | Start | End | Label |
5A | 580 | 590 | QTL1 |
2D | 280 | 310 | QTL2 |
Exercise steps
1. Copy the “Exercise 4 query” from above into the Genome Region Search and run the search.
2. Go to Map View and explore the chromosome, genes, SNP and QTL information displayed. for genes PIF5 in chromosome 2D and TRM82 in chromosome 5A.
3. Visualize their knowledge network by selecting them and clicking the “Launch network view” button.
4. Add more information by clicking on node cards in the Graph Explorer.